wednesday 21 september / 21:30

Everything About The Actual Difference

Regia di Anton Forsdik – Sweden (2021) – duration: 10’


Olle Samuelsson lacks vitality. Therefore, he turns to his inner universe to find an answer to the constant quest to feel unique and satisfied with everyday life, but the quest has its consequences and soon Olle can neither distinguish between reality and thoughts. What really makes the actual difference?This film is the last in the trilogy of Olle Samuelsson.


Director: Anton Forsdik
Screenplay: Anton Forsdik
Cinematography: Sean Sigfried
Editing: Anton Forsdik
Design: Anton Forsdik
Producer: Fanny Forsdik
Cast: Phillip Carlsson, Anton Forsdik
Soundtrack: Sean Sigfried

Anton Forsdik

As director, he created his first film for the audience in 2015. The movie is called “I Don’t Want To Live Anywhere Else” – ( Jag vill inte leva någon annanstans ). The film has won the “best film” award at the STOCKmotion 2015 film festival. The year after he made the movie Either – Or ( Antigen – Eller ) and in October 2017 came his third film “FATE” a film in black and white format. In 2018 he won the prestigious “best young director” award at the Birmingham film festival for the film FATE.