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Oltre il muro
Rassegna di cortometraggi
Thursday April 11
8:30 PM
Via Antonio Pacinotti 4, Milano
Screening+happy hour
15 euro
+39 3383715947
After our evening at the Arlecchino we return more energized than ever towards the second annual event.
Protagonists: some of the most interesting short films that have arrived at the festival in recent months, including documentaries, fiction and animated films
An evening dedicated to the high and low walls that contrast between reality and fiction, life and dreams, peace and war.
And like any self-respecting Vertigo event, between a short film, a talk and a drink, we will have the opportunity to chat together with the directors and creators of these stories
St' John's water
I'm too drunk to think a title
Between stage and reality
I'm too drunk to think a title
by Emanuele Matera - Fiction, Italy 2023
A continuous conflict between the writer of the story and the character who doesn’t play by his rules and rebels.
The narrator will be the judge who will command the character like a puppet and guide the viewer in this romantic comedy with an equally conflicted love story.
Between stage and reality
by Pietro Borzì - Documentary, Italy 2023
“Between Stage And Reality” is about a young man who has dreamed of becoming a professional wrestler since he was a child. He chooses a name, Red Scorpion, and a mask, just like when he dressed up as a child during the carnival. Time passes and Fabio becomes a Pro-Wrestler and coach of the same discipline.
St' John's water
by Anna Claudia Bassani - Fiction, Italy 2023
Lidia is a girl too light to be on the ground. Her mother, on the night of June 23-24, asks for help to St. John’s magical water. At the same time her friend Elio has an idea to solve her problem.
by Tariq Rimawi - Animation, Jordan, 2023
Wandering through the Worst Zoo in the World, a young boy SAMI is looking for his football. The loner finds more than that when he encounters the little tiger LAZIZ, who follows him on his quest to find a safe place to play. Against all odds, they become friends. But the remnants of war harbor danger.

Francesco Andretta
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Stabat Mater
(presente in sala)

Zhenia Kazankina
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Empty Rooms
(in videochiamata)